Most Common Cypress Pests And Diseases | Royal Homes

Common pests and diseases of cypress

The cypress is a highly admired tree in the landscape world, as it has a beautiful appearance and has proven to be quite resistant. However, like all species, it is particularly susceptible to certain insect infestations and fungal and bacterial infections. So, we’re going to review Insects and diseases of cypress.

Because we want you to be aware of everything that can affect your health. So you know how to recognize the signs that something is wrong and you can take steps as soon as possible to avoid more problems.

Insects that affect cypress.


Insects fulfill an important mission to contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem maintenance, but when they become insects. They can also endanger the health (and even life) of trees and plants.

Insects and diseases of cypress Depending on the specific conditions to which the tree is exposed. and weather, but these are the most common:


These tiny insects are barely visible, but they are hungry and feed on sap from the tree’s leaves. Besides that, They like the young shoots and branches of cypress.

Although they are usually green, there are some black or brown varieties. They group in large colonies, and This is when we can become aware of its presence.

If you notice that your cypress leaves are yellowing, or that they are beginning to curl in on themselves, check them carefully, because You can find thousands of aphids doing their job.

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Other symptoms of an aphid infestation are that the tree stops growing or appears generally weaker than usual.


Controlling scale insects is particularly difficult, as these insects cling tightly to the stem and Barks of trees to suck their sap.

Besides that, They depend on whether they are “hard” or “soft”. Hard scale insects have a hard coat, while soft scale insects have a soft, waxy coat. But, regardless of what type of insect they are, the truth is that they are capable of causing serious damage to trees.

Although scale prefers fruit trees, if they can infest a cypress they don’t miss an opportunity.

Because their brown or black color makes them unnoticeable. But a cypress affected by this type of insect starts to show signs of weakness, its leaves turn yellow and fall prematurely.


The caterpillar is the larva of the moth, and is characterized by the fact that it is a very gluttonous insect that prefers the tender shoots of the cypress tree. We can already tell if a tree is infected by looking at the leaves. Because its leaves have thorns or holes.

When the presence of caterpillars reaches pest levels, the tree will drop (defoliate), its growth will slow, and it may appear weak.

How to deal with pests and how to prevent them?

How to deal with pests and how to prevent them?

The ideal in these cases is to take these steps:

  • Introduce natural enemies. Attract predatory insects to the tree that feed on insects that can infest the cypress. For example spiders and ladybugs.
  • Regular monitoring. There is no better way to prevent pests than to regularly monitor the tree for signs of infestation.
  • Promote tree health. Adequate water and nutrients are the best way to keep the tree strong and free from infection.
  • Chemical treatment. Prophylactic treatment and active treatment are also possible if there is a pre-existing infection. These should always be specific pesticides used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • harvest Removing the most infested parts of the tree is very useful to control the spread of the pest.
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Cypress diseases

Fungi, bacteria and viruses are mainly responsible for some of the common diseases of cypress.

Cypress canker

It is a fungal disease in which the fungus manifests as black spots that may swell, and appear on both the trunk and branches. As the disease progresses, it can cause the death of the affected tissue.

In addition to spots, other signs that this fungus The tree is weakening, affecting the cypress. Its stunted growth and death of branches.


This fungal disease reaches the tree through the roots. The fungus lives in the soil and affects its roots.

Among its most obvious symptoms, we can see that the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall prematurely. Besides that, Black spots appear on both the stem and roots. The overall health of the tree becomes more critical, and it is possible that some of its branches die.

Cypress Cytoline

This is another disease caused by a fungus, and its symptoms are similar to the previous ones. To identify it we have to look for dark spots on leaves and branches. In which we also see defoliation and wilting.

How to treat and prevent cypress diseases?

How to treat and prevent cypress diseases?

If the tree is already infected, this can help us apply a specific treatment. Therefore, it is important to know whether what is infecting you is a fungus, virus or bacteria.

For prevention, ideal is:

  • Improve soil drainage. Moisture is a breeding ground for fungus, so the tree will be better protected if the soil dries quickly and does not accumulate water.
  • Avoid mechanical injuries. Try not to damage the tree with tools, as these “wounds” are entry points for pathogens. If you have to cut, remember to sterilize the tools before and after you work.
  • Regular monitoring. As with pests, the best prevention is to check the tree’s condition periodically to make sure everything is in order.
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We can’t get rid of cypress pests and diseases, but we can prevent them and act quickly if they do occur.

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